Tuesday, September 7, 2021 | 4:30 p.m. to ?
It's COTW season and we couldn't think of a better place to kick it off than raising a pint at Live Oak Brewing. $1 off pints for CTMS folks. We have the okay to run around the disc golf course and look for juicy orange polypores.
Dusan, the head brewer is also super kind to give us a tour of the brewery at 5 p.m. (masks indoors, yup). He's going to share some fun fungal facts and history about sugar fungus AKA Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. If you can come early for the tour, RSVP because tickets are limited. We will also have mushroom blocks for people to take home. UPDATE: Brewery Tour RSVP is full.
Come say hi and learn how you can get more involved. We need help in the following areas: Fundraising, Educational Programming, Membership Engagement, Public Outreach, and Volunteer Coordination. Learn more on our website and send us a message or drop by the happy hour to let us know how you can help the mycelial mass grow.