UT Fungarium Mushroom Walk

ut fungarium mushroom walk.png
ut fungarium mushroom walk.png
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UT Fungarium Mushroom Walk

from $0.00

When: Sunday, April 16th @ 2 p.m.

Where: Berry Springs Park & Preserve, Georgetown, TX 

Cost: $10 members, $20 non-members

It has finally rained which means we can go collect mushrooms for the UT Fungarium. You are invited to observe and identify mushrooms using iNaturalist and field guides.

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This walk will be led by Angel Schatz and Mycologist Liz Bowman is open to those that want to sharpen their ID skills. We will be learning how to use the app iNaturalist to document our findings so download the app beforehand. Let's explore and find more species together to add to the UT Fungarium!

Member ($10) and non-member ($20) tickets are available. Location for meeting will be sent by emailed on Saturday. ♻️ Mushroom grow blocks for everyone attending! Learn how to use them here.

Sign-up for a membership to get discounts on workshops, walks, and mycology related events.