Fungi Truths - Food & Medicine with Dr. Merriwether

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Fungi Truths - Food & Medicine with Dr. Merriwether

from $10.00

DATE: Tuesday, November 15, 2022

TIME: 7 - 8:30 P.M.


COST: $10 for members $20 for non-members

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ABout the online class

Wild Mushrooms have been a source of both food and medicine since before recorded history. Texas is loaded with many beneficial mushrooms and now is your chance to go into a deep dive on them. Join Mark "Merriwether" Vorderbruggen, Ph.D. chemist, herbalist, and wild food expert as he discusses the wonderful truths of Texas mushrooms...their nutritional values, proven medicinal uses, and the compounds responsible for these medicinal properties!

About the speaker

Mark "Merriwether" Vorderbruggen, Ph.D. is often (somewhat) jokingly described as a scientist raised by wolves. Having a M.S. in medicinal chemistry and a Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry, he brings science into the world of wild edible and medicinal plants. On the science side he has sixteen patents and numerous articles in research journals from his career as a chemist. But his true love is plants and the miracles they contain. Since 2008 his website has been one of the top wild edible/medicinal plant sites on the internet; he's written countless foraging articles for a wide variety of magazines; taught hundreds of foraging walkabouts; appeared on radio, TV, and podcasts galore; wrote the acclaimed books Idiot's Guide Foraging and Outdoor Adventure Guides Foraging; and was co-creator of the Wazoo Survival Gear foraging bandana. In 2016 he turned his herbal chemistry skills to consumer goods to help develop the Workman's Friend line of skin care products. In 2020 he made the biggest leap of his life to become the medicine man for Medicine Man Plant Co. where he can finally bring forth the ancient plants & mushrooms that can still help with modern issues. Check out these his fusion of science & traditional herbal products at